This lesson examines what it means to build a life on Jesus and His teachings. This is the only path to true peace and security. All other foundations crumble into emptiness and destruction. Don't miss the great song in this lesson entitled "One Big Mess." Read the rest of this entry »

There are two ways to respond to our sinful nature before God. We may choose to do good works and expect God to accept us gratefully, or we may choose to confess our sins and depend on nothing but His mercy and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus.
This lesson compares Cain and Abel with the New Testament story of the self righteous Pharisee and a humble Publican. Self-righteousness in the heart will always lead to contempt for others. Guard your heart! Read the rest of this entry »

Like the Pharisees, Herod was a religious hypocrite. He believed himself to be the likely Jewish Messiah. But, like many religious people today, Herod (who was not a Pharisee or a Sadducee) was a fakeasee!! We would do well to examine our own hearts and decern between the things we do that come from authentic relationship with Jesus and those things we do merely for show.
Read the rest of this entry »

When the pleasure-seeking Greek empire gave way to the power-grabbing Roman forces, Herod was fully engaged with it all.
But, in his heart of hearts, he wanted more than anything to be remembered as a Great Man, a contributor, God’s gift to mankind, a name (dare we say) above every name. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson on the Ten Commandments, while discussing what each commandment means, teaches that we are unable to obey them by any means of our own. We need Jesus Christ living inside us and changing us into His glorious image. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we learn about two kingdoms--the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world.
These two kingdoms employ completely different laws. The teachings of this world lead to death and destruction, the kingdom of God offers truth and life.
When we begin a new life in Christ, we must learn to walk in the laws and principles of our new citizenship.
We are children of God living by the principles of our Father's Kingdom even while we are still here on Earth. To the world around us, it may seem odd. It may seem strange--it's an upside-Down Kingdom. Read the rest of this entry »

As we continue to look at the life and reign of Herod the Great, it feels like we are reading today’s headline news.
It confirms Sir Lord Acton’s quotation about whether religious leaders are as accountable for their bad deeds as political leaders are.
He wrote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority…”
We must continually remember, first and foremost, ALL the GLORY BELONGS to the LORD!!! Read the rest of this entry »

Scripture says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” Do Christians hinder their own growth, their spiritual gain, by harboring chronic discontent? Read the rest of this entry »

We have been looking at God’s timeline for dealing with mankind and the sin problem. It is interesting to explore the history and culture in which biblical events occurred.
The birth and crucifixion of Jesus were the MAIN events. All previous events were designed to prepare mankind for this moment in time.
In this lesson, we begin a look at the life and reign of “Herod the Great.” From the background, culture and attitudes of this one man, we can learn everything we need to know about the times in which Jesus was born.
It is also interesting to note how similar those times were to the attitudes of today.
We recommend the following music to go with your lesson time together:. Read the rest of this entry »

The true cost of embarking on a walk of faith and following Jesus is examined in this lesson. What did it cost Abram and the disciples? What will it cost us? Faith is about what we cling to. We cannot cling to God, unless we let go of everything else. Read the rest of this entry »

Like Father Abraham, believers start ventures they could never complete, fight enemies too powerful to defeat, and rely on blessings they cannot see. Men might call this “bonkers,” but God just calls it faith! Read the rest of this entry »

When the Pharisees have Jesus to dinner, they are in for a big night. Here we examine the four lessons Jesus taught them about how to be a true leader of Israel. Read the rest of this entry »

As the song says, “He may not come when you want Him, but he’ll be there right on time!” Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus used verses from the scriptures to resist Satan’s temptations, but is the Bible relevant to modern situations? This lesson uses a Q&A format to present biblical answers to common temptations facing youth today. Read the rest of this entry »

Genesis 1:1 tells us about "The Beginning," but the bible story doesn't really start at the beginning. Other verses (later in the Word) tell us of decisions and choices that were made before the "foundations of the world." How reassuring it is to know that, even before Genesis 1:1, our God had everything under control and knew exactly what He was doing. Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon asks two questions: Is it possible to control our own lives and what is the price of trying to do so?? Read the rest of this entry »

Imagine you had a beautiful only son who would one day give his life to save the whole world. You would be so proud of him, you would brag about him and likely keep a well-documented scrapbook about his life!
That is what the Old Testament is. It consists of prophecies, pictures, and early manifestations of the coming One - Messiah - Jesus! God's family scrapbook starring His favored SON! Read the rest of this entry »

Just a whisper of an ungodly suggestion, and the first woman in history was ready to challenge her God’s loving direction and fight for her rights. The relationship between God and man changed forever and paradise became a very strange land. Is the church today listening to similar, gospel altering, suggestions? Is the church itself becoming a strange land? Read the rest of this entry »

This is is a story about golden crowns, orbs, robes, scepters, swagger sticks and all such accoutrements meant to set one human being above others.
Such pompous, presumptuous behavior is an affront to the Heavenly Father, Who has presented His only Son as the one and only true sovereign over all life in the universe. He is the King of Kings.
He is Lord of All!!! Read the rest of this entry »

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is dawning upon you. Look, darkness covers the earth, and deep darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will dawn upon you, and his glory will be seen over you. Nations will walk to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." Isaiah 60:1-3GW Read the rest of this entry »

The Bible Says: “You must teach them to your children and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk; at bedtime and the first thing in the morning.” Deut. 6:7 TLB Read the rest of this entry »

This is a great time to learn the Bible along with your family. It is an opportunity to step-up and become the principal Bible teacher for your own children.
“Just Five More Questions Please” will guide your family through the pages of the Bible as you and your group discuss five thought provoking questions during each session. Read the rest of this entry »

The Roman soldier understood the nature of Jesus’ authority. As the ruler of the universe, Jesus only needs to speak to sickness, nature, demons or even death and they must obey Him. What happens when God's authority meets our faith -- miracles! Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint sermon tells us why the world needs it's Christmas bells and who the Christmas bells really are. Read the rest of this entry »

This is part five of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In this lesson we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels. Read the rest of this entry »

Paul was worried. The Thessalonian mobsters were vicious brutes, and these babes in Christ weren’t as studious as the Berean believers.
He had only been there to teach them for three Sabbaths. Will they be able to handle the persecution? Will they be susceptible to the false teaching floating around? But the Lord assured Paul and he assured the Thessalonians...“The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thess. 3:3 (NIV) Read the rest of this entry »

This is part four of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In lesson five we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels.
Read the rest of this entry »

This is part three of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including: 1) Worldly War Games 2) Emboldening Rebellion 3) Groupthink 4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods) 5) Dangerous Duplicity In lesson five we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels.
Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint is based on the well known sermon illustration about a boy and his boat. In the story, the boy becomes both the creator and redeemer of his beloved possession. In the end, he famously says, "Now you are twice mine, I made you and I bought you." Remind you of Jesus? Are we not twice His!? Read the rest of this entry »

This is part two of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In lesson five we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels.
Read the rest of this entry »

This is part one of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side-taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In lesson five we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels. Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon answers seven questions:
#1 Are the tears of a Christian always Godly?
#2 Can there be tears without repentance?
#3 Can there be repentance without tears?
#4 When we seek a place of repentance, do we always find it?
#5 Can I live the Christian life without repentance?
#6 What is the result of my living an unrepentant Christian life… and will I care?
#7 What does all this mean for you, me and for the church in general? Read the rest of this entry »

What a difference a single encounter with Jesus can have in the heart of a man. In this presentation, Zacchaeus meets Jesus and becomes so transformed he is a different man! Read the rest of this entry »

The Old Testament is saturated with pictures (types & shadows) of Jesus. The life of Joseph is a perfect example of this truth. In this 5 part series, we explore several ways Joseph foreshadowed Christ. Read the rest of this entry »

“People can make all kinds of plans, but only the Lord’s plan will happen.” Proverbs 19:21 In this sermon, the life of Joseph is used as an example of God’s wisdom exceeding our own. Can we trust that God knows what He is doing? Read the rest of this entry »

Joseph didn’t seem like much when his brothers tried to kill him and then sold him into slavery. Little did they know they would one day be begging him to save their whole family. If we reject Jesus, He will let us, but we are rejecting the only one who can save us from our sins. Read the rest of this entry »

It is amazing how many parallels to Christ’s life can be found in the story of Joseph. From the plot on his life to his exaltation and His forgiving of his brethren, Joseph is a picture of Jesus. This lesson looks our forgiving Savior through the life of Joseph. Read the rest of this entry »

“But God was with Joseph.” “But God!” These are the greatest two words in the bible. What Satan means for evil might be a threat to believers, BUT GOD… This sermon compares the rise of Joseph out of prison with the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb – very powerful. Read the rest of this entry »

“Does not the World hate you? Remember that it first hated me.” John 15:18 Joseph’s life is full of types and shadows of Christ. This first lesson on Joseph’s life demonstrates the persecution that will befall any believer who dares to live Godly. Surely Jesus was hated for His goodness, and, like Joseph, He rose in power. One day, those who persecuted Him will bow before Him. Read the rest of this entry »

Learn 27 different thanksgiving
scripture verses as you play this
"Thanksgiving Bingo" game with
your family or small group.
Can be played over Zoom if each player downloads the game and chooses a numbered card (or cards).
Download this free printable. Read the rest of this entry »

Living things grow and mature. When a believer is born-again, he starts his Christian experience as a baby feeding on milk. Then he grows into a toddler learning to walk, then an adult having babies himself, etc. To illustrate this, Jesus explained the four stages of wheat growth. Read the rest of this entry »

The 7 sayings of Christ on the cross teach us 5 important lessons on living the Christian life and fulfilling our calling. Read the rest of this entry »

His name is Jesus.
He is not "Xmas."
He is not merely, "The Spirit of Christmas."
Nor is He, "my thoughts & prayers" or, "my faith."
He is the Lord of Lords & King of Kings...and His name is JESUS!
Let us glorify & magnify His name this Christmas & every day! Read the rest of this entry »

It’s relatively easy to be thankful for financial windfalls, awards, achievements, etc., but what of the things & persons in our lives who are flawed, unimpressive, even annoying? Can we embrace them? Can we love them? Are we thankful for them? Read the rest of this entry »

This is the PowerPoint we use to train SonShineTent workers. It covers the importance of outdoor preaching, how to teach kids and the duties of the workers at the "Hospitality Table." Read the rest of this entry »

This 5 part series covers everything you ever wanted to know about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb--the true Royal Wedding.
Lessons include:
1) The Bride & Her Dress
2) The Kinsman Redeemer
3) The Bride Reflects the Groom
4) Best Banquet Ever
5) Some Unworthy Guests
Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint sermon examines the changes that take place in the inner-most part of a believer when he/she becomes a new person in Christ. If we are becoming like Christ, what does that really look like? Read the rest of this entry »

There is nothing small about our God; His crumbs are as great as His full loaves; His whispers are as mighty as His shouts, and His tender touch is as moving as an earthquake. Often, we fail to see His glory because we are looking too high. Look for Him in the everyday, small things. Read the rest of this entry »

Using Christ's messages to the seven churches & Paul's metaphor of running a race, this three-part series explains why a dying church is not one that is losing members, but rather, one that is losing zeal and focus on our God-given mission. Lesson three features a very inspiring song (written by a young girl) called "Voice of the Martyrs." Read the rest of this entry »

God has no problem receiving damaged goods. He is in the business of mending, not discarding those who come to Him. Read the rest of this entry »

This is a great Father's Day video which examines the value of father's in the lives of their children. Read the rest of this entry »

We preached this at a Tomato Festival. It compares growing tomatoes with growing believers. Read the rest of this entry »

Psalm 139 tells us that the Lord is always there. We can not hide from Him, nor can we outrun His love. Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon looks at three things that God's love is like:
1) Raging Flood Waters
2) A Sweet Perfume
3) A Slave Master
It includes an illustration about the romantic tradition of "Love Locks."
Read the rest of this entry »

In the story of Noah’s Ark, we find an Old Testament picture of salvation through Jesus. The vessel, the door, the window, and even the pitch coating point to Jesus Read the rest of this entry »

The core truth of the gospel is that the Lord of Heaven and Earth abased Himself to save the object of His love—mankind. His Crown tells the story. He laid it aside only to be given a cruel crown of thorns in its stead. But, that is not the end of the story, is it!? Read the rest of this entry »

Part one looks at large mammals in the bible and the lessons believers can learn.
Part 2 looks at birds & bugs in the bible and the lessons believers can learn.
Read the rest of this entry »

Part one looks at large mammals in the bible and the lessons believers can learn.
Part 2 looks at birds & bugs in the bible and the lessons believers can learn.
Read the rest of this entry »

Are we willing to honor God at any cost? This sermon examines four stories from the lives of men and women who were. Read the rest of this entry »

This Christmas sermon is based on the song, “Strange Way to Save the World” by 4Him. Added images and relevant scriptures bring this truth to life. Read the rest of this entry »

The tree on which Jesus was crucified, though covered in blood and decked with nothing but the lifeless body of a man with a mocking sign above His head, is the most beautiful Christmas tree ever! Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus is God’s gift to the world! On that first Christmas, the Father gave His everything -- His only begotten Son! His gift came to us in a plain wrapper – human flesh. This wrapper was torn open at the cross where the gift was fully manifest. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson, we examine just 20 of the over 350 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus during His short time on Earth. The wonderful video at the end is 42 minutes long, and is good for playing in the background during an ‘altar time’ or ‘after service.’ Read the rest of this entry »

Can we ever have enough? Will we ever be satisfied? This sermon examines the differences between a grateful and an ungrateful heart. What is the true path to overflowing joy?
Read the rest of this entry »

Our precious Savior has walked beside us and paddled along with us through life’s raging waters, yet we neglect and forget Him daily.
Should Jesus be forgotten or should we renew that love we first felt way back at the cross of old?
Note: This lesson contains a Christianized version of "Auld Lang Syne."
Read the rest of this entry »

Every helicopter has an essential part called “The Jesus Nut.” If this one part comes loose, the aircraft will fall to its doom. This lesson examines each part of a helicopter and compares them to the Christian experience. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson, “The Jesus Nut” teaches us that there are two kinds of food. Food for the body and food for the soul. Read the rest of this entry »

Harold & Therese Greenberg train & motivate believers to preach & evangelize.
Contact us at info@ckusa.org to discuss involving your members in a training & outreach experience.
To quote C.T. Studd:
"Only one life, so soon it will pass. Only what’s done for Christ will last!" Read the rest of this entry »

We can learn a lot about love and devotion from the way a puppy adores his master. In this 2 part lesson we learn how to rejoice in the Lord's presence and how to live as we wait eagerly for His return. Read the rest of this entry »

Christ is our ROCK who SHOWS-UP, STANDS-Up, and STEPS-UP for His children. God is calling all men to be a ROCK just like our Savior. Read the rest of this entry »

This presentation examines the roles of fathers, mothers and children in leading their families to Christ. Read the rest of this entry »

How shall we then live? This is an old question with a one-word answer: GRATEFUL!
In this lesson we learn how gratitude alone will deepen our relationship with The Savior, multiply our service and satiate our hearts. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson examines the duties of the priests of Israel. It seems they spent a great deal of time sprinkling things with blood, water, salt and oil. Even Jesus, as our High Priest, sprinkles us with the blood of the cross, the water of the Word, and the oil of His Spirit. May our ministries reflect His as we “sprinkle” God’s people. Read the rest of this entry »

"I said in my haste, I am cut off from before your eyes." Ps. 31:22
This lesson examines God's love for His children. A love so strong, it overpowers our own self-doubt and sin-shame. Read the rest of this entry »

From His beloved inner circle, to those who followed Him solely for His miracles, to those who hated Him, Jesus had various levels of relationship with men. This sermon challenges the believer to draw closer to Jesus. Read the rest of this entry »

Often, people contemplate life’s bigger questions. They sense their greater purpose but, at the same time, fear their insignificance. They want to understand the reason for their existence and long for it to be more than a long-lived wasteland. Let‘s say it together, “Jesus Fills the Hole in My Soul.” Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint contains eight separate lessons using a combination of Bible stories, film clips and discussion questions. It is designed to be used in a mixed setting of adults and children learning together.
From the beginning of Holy Week to beyond Easter, these lessons start with Palm Sunday and conclude with the Great Commission. Read the rest of this entry »

Historically, humans have often confused religious zeal with oppression and forced conversions. In this lesson we learn about the “Love Slaves.” Men and women whose “cords of love” are stronger than ropes or chains could ever be. They are willing to die for love of their Master. Read the rest of this entry »

Like Martha, most people believe that religion works from the outside in—if we please God (they think), He will let you in. However, Mary’s heart drew her to a better way—open your heart to God and He will change you from the inside out. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s harvest time!! This lesson explains the Old Testament Harvest festivals, including their relationship to Jesus and His Church. We learn why the harvest is God’s main agenda and we are strengthened and encouraged to finish His work! Read the rest of this entry »

This is a great lesson for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or any youth meeting. The question addressed is this: Is there any real advantage to being raised in a Christian home—isn’t it better to have a dynamic testimony of God’s power to rescue from the pits of sin? What do His promises to our praying parents mean for us--the next generation of believers? Read the rest of this entry »

A short biography of seven different mothers of the bible. Read the rest of this entry »

In the story of the Good Samaritan, the lead character is unnamed—who is he? Is he merely an example of Christian love and hospitality—or much more?
This story is nothing short of the Gospel itself. In it, we see all the players – sinful man, sin itself, good deeds, the Savior, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the second coming of Christ. It’s all there! Read the rest of this entry »

Our Redeemer started His saving work here on Earth (at the cross) and finished it when He entered Heaven with the redemption payment--His own blood. Standing in bronze sockets, under their silver caps, the tabernacle pillars typify this Heaven/Earth redemption connection. Read the rest of this entry »

These lessons explore the sheep nature of mankind, the Shepherd heart of Jesus, bad shepherds and the Door of the sheep. Read the rest of this entry »

Nine lepers were healed and duly religious (showing themselves to the priest), but one was thankful and Jesus took notice. Jesus looks at the heart!!! Read the rest of this entry »

When we remember the extent of God’s forgiveness toward us, we will be free to forgive others… seventy times seven times.. This lesson contains a quiz that shows us what is and what is not Godly forgivness. Read the rest of this entry »

The concept of a sacrificial lamb is universal and timeless. It is especially prominent in Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. This lamb is at the heart of the Gospel. In this lesson we learn how God has placed the promise of the “Lamb of God” throughout the scriptures. Read the rest of this entry »

Moses, an Old Testament foreshadow of Jesus, is a picture of Christ's Resurrection. Read the rest of this entry »

What does an artist care about more than anything—His work! His work is a reflection of his heart and skills. The universe shows us the amazing workmanship of God, but we are His masterpiece. He will never quit perfecting what he has begun, even if, like the potter, He needs to rework us few times. Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus knew that men were speculating about His identity. He asked His disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” Is He a prophet—a king—the Christ!!? They were not ready to hear the truth, but He was ready to tell it—I AM! Read the rest of this entry »

This two part message explains how seeing Jesus changes everything. It changes our circumstances and it changes us. With our hearts filled with love for our Savior, let us long for this one thing--to see Him! Read the rest of this entry »

If the groundhog stays in his hole, winter will continue for six more weeks--so tradition says. But, if he comes out--spring has come. Thank God Jesus came out of his tomb and ended the winter of sin. Read the rest of this entry »

This two part message explains how seeing Jesus changes everything. It changes our circumstances and it changes us. With our hearts filled with love for our Savior, let us long for this one thing--to see Him! Read the rest of this entry »

This could only happen in an outdoor service. A couple LDS young men from Utah pulled up on their bikes and listened to the second half of the Batman pt. 2 lesson. In this video, we testify to them about our salvation experiences. Read the rest of this entry »

Mankind has a unique sense of a reality that goes beyond what his five senses tell him. This lesson explains the longing and the moral compass that God has built into every human soul so that he might draw men to Himself. Read the rest of this entry »

Bats have amazing discernment—they never swallow anything that is bad for them. As we spend time in God’s Word, we become wiser seekers of truth and are not easily deceived by the enemy’s lies. Read the rest of this entry »

The bat navigates by listening—so too, believers soar through God’s calling by simply closing their eyes (to fears) and listening to His voice for direction. We learn to hear His voice by spending time in His Word. Read the rest of this entry »

This is the classic salvation gospel message "Four Spiritual Laws."
There is also a bi-lingual version (Turkish & English) available. It can be adapted to any two languages. Read the rest of this entry »

This is the first of two special services we prepared for some visitors from Turkey. This lesson uses portions of the Jesus movie in both English and Turkish to explain the Gospel. The PowerPoint can be adapted to any two languages. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson compares the justice system of God with our own court systems. We have a choice: Do we want to demand a trial or will we throw ourselves on the MERCY of the court?
The video starts with a skit and there are links to the downloadable plea agreement and the famous Law and Order “doink-doink” sound effect. Read the rest of this entry »

Cults, false religions and even false teachings within the church tend to err in one or more of these ten basic truths about Jesus Christ & salvation.
Every other belief system is (at its core) a merit based system. Christianity alone is a MERCY based system. Read the rest of this entry »

This is part #2 of the lesson on the structure of the Tabernacle. The 48 boards are held by five bars joining them together as one. Likewise, the Body of Christ has many parts, yet is one body. Read the rest of this entry »

As our skin covers our bones, the coverings of the Tabernacle clothe the boards that give it structure. This is part #1 of this teaching about the Body of Christ -- a house, built on an unshakable solid foundation! Read the rest of this entry »

In Jesus' time, a Canaanite person was thought to be an idol worshipping heathen and long time enemy of Israel. Why would one of 'THEM' dare to speak to our Lord!? This is a story of humility, persistence and great faith!!! Read the rest of this entry »

Feeding the Bread of Life to a needy world is a daunting task. This story reminds us that Jesus needs only our willingness to serve, He will do the rest. The question and answer format of this lesson is designed to be thought provoking and conversation inducing. Read the rest of this entry »

This is a two part sermon on the principle of travailing, birthing and launching. It uses the example of human birth and moves to the launching of ministries and revival movements. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we learn the names of the twelve disciples. We also learn that, as the Church, we have the same calling and commission as the twelve. Read the rest of this entry »

This message compares the 400 year Egyptian slavery of the Hebrews with the bondage of sin. Moses is shown as a type of Christ who sets us free from the slavery of sin. Read the rest of this entry »

As a part of our Easter weekend, our guest speaker, Mandee Smith, ministered on the Holy Spirit and His gifts.
This lesson stresses the promise of Jesus -- that He would not leave us without a Comforter.
The PowerPoint is designed in a way that any denomination can adjust the list of Biblical gifts according to preference. Read the rest of this entry »

This famous tale illustrates the battle between our old nature and our new Christ nature. Read the rest of this entry »

This is the story of how God used a kidnapped child who returned to the land of his enslavement to preach the gospel. It also shows how Patrick used a three leaf clover to explain the trinity. Read the rest of this entry »

This review uses bible questions and bible video segments. This lesson covers the time period from Isaac to Moses. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we cover the "Badger Skin" tent covering.
Like Christ in the flesh, this outermost covering was not attractive to the casual observer, yet it held untold riches within. Read the rest of this entry »

Representing the blood of Jesus, the ram’s skin dyed red was the one covering given without a measurement. Truly, there is ‘no measure’ to His abundant grace and forgiveness. In this lesson we learn the meaning of ‘redemption’ and tell the wonderful story about the little boy who lost his toy boat and bought it back again saying, “Now your twice mine, for I have made you and I have bought you.” Read the rest of this entry »

The story of an elite Jewish citizen and a lowly one are here compared side by side. Though very different in social standing, these seekers of Christ’s favor were equals (in God’s eyes) in desperation and determined faith. Read the rest of this entry »

The second tabernacle covering we look at is a rough goat hair. This lesson covers the Sin Offering and the Scapegoat. The ugliness of our sins, and Christ’s willingness to bear them upon Himself will forever be at the heart of the Gospel story. Read the rest of this entry »

Can you think of a time when you were scared? How comforting it is to remember that Jesus is still in control. This presentation includes a great song called, “Sometimes He Calms the Storm, and other Times He Calms His Child!” Read the rest of this entry »

This is a simple question & answer approach to John 1:1-10. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we begin to examine the four coverings over the tent structure and what each one tells us about our Savior Jesus. The first, and nearest to the Holy of Holies, is the embroidered four colored cloth. We look at the meaning of each of the four colors. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson explains the Lord's parable about the man who found a treasure in the field. Oh, how great is the worth of a human soul to God? How cheerfully He sacrifices all that He has to buy the field (the World) which harbors His hidden treasure (the Church). Read the rest of this entry »

This review uses bible questions and bible video segments. This lesson covers Noah, the tower of Babel and the call of Abram. Read the rest of this entry »

This review uses bible questions and bible video segments. This lesson covers Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and Noah. Read the rest of this entry »

The Bible compares water baptism to familiar Old Testament bible stories (Noah’s Ark & Crossing the Red Sea) so that we might fully understand its meaning. This lesson teaches us what is at the heart of water baptism and its power as a testimony to others. It also teaches us what water baptism is not. Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus is God’s gift to the world! On that first Christmas, the Father gave His everything — His only begotten Son! His gift came to us in a plain wrapper – human flesh. This wrapper was torn open at the cross where the gift was fully manifest. Read the rest of this entry »

This review uses bible questions and bible video segments. This lesson covers Creation and Adam and Eve. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson, Jesus compares material things with Heavenly rewards. Read the rest of this entry »

Remember the age old question, “What is this thing called love?” How can we tell who really loves us? How can we know that we truly love others? Do we really love Christ? Jesus tells us how to know when genuine love is present. Read the rest of this entry »

This is a great tool for teaching and memorizing the Lord's Prayer. Read the rest of this entry »

Did you know that when the Israelites made camp, their tents were set up in the form of a cross? Did you know that the tabernacle furniture was laid out in the shape of a cross? Then there is the pure white linen fence—what does it tell us about Christ’s future bride? Read the rest of this entry »

When our Master returns, will He find us being faithful with the gifts and resources He provided? Are we investing in the Kingdom of God or just trying to get by and stay out of trouble? Read the rest of this entry »

In part 2 of God’s wilderness school we learn more about His Food from Heaven, Water from within and guiding Spirit. Read the rest of this entry »

Are you ready for Christ's return? This lesson includes a sing-along rap song. Read the rest of this entry »

The wilderness experience is God’s school of higher education. The Israelites had the presence of God (in their midst) in several forms, including: the Tabernacle, the Pillar of Smoke and Fire, the Manna from Heaven, and the Rock that gave water. The graduates of this school learned the most important lesson -- to be dependent children. Read the rest of this entry »

These brothers, born the same day, grew to desire different things from life. One brother had a heart for the things of God, while the other was content to fill his belly. What would you trade for Jesus? You name it—Jesus is better. He’s even better than football! Read the rest of this entry »

All people owe a debt to God for their sins. Although each of us owes a great deal, we tend to believe that some of us are less indebted than others—we believe in degrees of sinfulness. This story shows us that there are no degrees of sinfulness, but there are degrees of awareness of sin. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson compares the basic duties of His people in three dispensations: Adam in the Garden, the Priests in the Tabernacle and the Believer in the Kingdom of God. Each are told to “ABAD” God (meaning both serve and worship depending on the translation). To God, worship is service and service is worship. Read the rest of this entry »

Through understanding the depth of love that Abraham had for his son Isaac, we can begin to understand what it took for the Heavenly Father to sacrifice His Son. This presentation contains the amazing and heart wrenching film, “The Bridge.” Read the rest of this entry »

Knock and keep on knocking!! This lesson examines the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament writers regarding the believer’s privilege of prayer. Read the rest of this entry »

Many of us have suffered from broken promises. We have also been guilty of breaking promises ourselves. We may even have come to regard promises as more of a ‘maybe’ than a ‘verily.’ But, take heart, there is a big difference between the promises of men and the promises of God! Read the rest of this entry »

This presentation uses ‘Memorial Day’ as a stepping stone to examine the ministry of Jesus as our High Priest standing before The Father, representing us with pierced side and nail-scarred hands. It also challenges believers to ‘remind’ God in prayer for our loved ones. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we learn about how much our God loves to move forward—He is a walker, not a monument builder. Tents are fabric and believers are flesh. We are not granite stone, we are not statues. God wants to walk with us, not stake us down. Walking and talking is how we deepen relationships. Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus taught His disciples that the scriptures, from the book of Genesis forward, are actually about Him. He said, “Search the scriptures, for they testify of me.” This lesson teaches some basic principles for discovering the types and shadows of Jesus in the Old Testament. Read the rest of this entry »

Some people think that faith in Christ can be simply added as a mere life enhancement, but this is untrue. It is impossible to love God and the world at the same time. Christ must be chosen and the world must be renounced. This extends to our leisure activities and our friendships. We cannot be friends with both the world and God. Read the rest of this entry »

Did you know that all God cares about is being with His people? The entire bible is the story of God trying to reconcile with fallen man so that He might be in fellowship with us. The Tabernacle of Moses was both a place of temporary fellowship and a reflection of full reconciliation yet to come through Jesus Christ. Read the rest of this entry »

Follow the adventures of this charming “Gospel Seed” as he lands in every kind of earth. In this presentation, we learn about the hearts of men and the different ways they respond to the Gospel message. Read the rest of this entry »

Using bright and amusing graphics, this presentation compares the world’s values with Christ’s. Read the rest of this entry »

In today’s style and beauty obsessed world, this lesson teaches us about the type of beauty God really cares about – a beautiful heart. This presentation includes the famous Dove commercial showing how beauty commercials are really made – retouching and all! Read the rest of this entry »

The expression, “Leave it on the field” means players should completely spend themselves in service to their coach and team. All that is in them should be left on the field!!!
Our coach is Jesus and our field is the World—are we prepared to spend ourselves in His service?
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This presentation teaches us both of the dangers of human pride and the power of unity. This lesson includes a multiple choice quiz at the end. Remember, all glory belongs to the Lord! Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon explores several misconceptions about God and explains what it means to have a relationship with Him. We look at “relationship” as a position (in Christ); legal status (sons); and heart-felt feeling (friend). Read the rest of this entry »

Start your own meetings
Go outside the church walls
Use a park pavilion
Use your garage
Use your backyard
Go… Be Creative
You Can Do It
GO!... GO! Read the rest of this entry »

This youthful presentation compares the triune nature of God to things we understand in nature like water and eggs. Read the rest of this entry »

“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, ‘Repent.” Mat. 4:17.
The OT prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus and His disciples considered 'repentance' to be their primary message.
Perhaps it is time to reacquaint ourselves with this essential truth. Read the rest of this entry »

Enjoy This Thanksgiving Video: "I Am the One" Read the rest of this entry »

Here, the mission of a soldier is used as a stepping stone to depict Jesus as a Man with a mission. He was willing to lay down His life to save us from the enemy of sin and death. Read the rest of this entry »

Believers are created to hear God’s voice. This lesson compares the special attributes of flying bats with the believer’s ability to hear God. Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon tells the true story of the tragic, yet preventable loss of life that occurred in a New York City shirt factory. It reminds us all to take proper precautions with our souls. Have we planned our “fire escape?” Prepare for the inevitability—there will be no rehearsal!
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This two part message explains how seeing Jesus changes everything. It changes our circumstances and it changes us. With our hearts filled with love for our Savior, let us long for this one thing--to see Him! Read the rest of this entry »

Many have died defending their country's flag, but let us not forget the One who died fighting for us, the one who Moses called his "Banner"-- the Lord! Yes, the flag we stand under is Jesus Himself - His stars, His stripes!! Let us wave Him proudly over our heads. Let us live and die for Him! Read the rest of this entry »

A Soldier & Jesus
Reflections on Jesus as a soldier fighting a battle for the souls of mankind. Read the rest of this entry »