This lesson examines what it means to build a life on Jesus and His teachings. This is the only path to true peace and security. All other foundations crumble into emptiness and destruction. Don't miss the great song in this lesson entitled "One Big Mess." Read the rest of this entry »

Like the Pharisees, Herod was a religious hypocrite. He believed himself to be the likely Jewish Messiah. But, like many religious people today, Herod (who was not a Pharisee or a Sadducee) was a fakeasee!! We would do well to examine our own hearts and decern between the things we do that come from authentic relationship with Jesus and those things we do merely for show.
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Scripture says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” Do Christians hinder their own growth, their spiritual gain, by harboring chronic discontent? Read the rest of this entry »

When the Pharisees have Jesus to dinner, they are in for a big night. Here we examine the four lessons Jesus taught them about how to be a true leader of Israel. Read the rest of this entry »

As the song says, “He may not come when you want Him, but he’ll be there right on time!” Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus used verses from the scriptures to resist Satan’s temptations, but is the Bible relevant to modern situations? This lesson uses a Q&A format to present biblical answers to common temptations facing youth today. Read the rest of this entry »

Genesis 1:1 tells us about "The Beginning," but the bible story doesn't really start at the beginning. Other verses (later in the Word) tell us of decisions and choices that were made before the "foundations of the world." How reassuring it is to know that, even before Genesis 1:1, our God had everything under control and knew exactly what He was doing. Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon asks two questions: Is it possible to control our own lives and what is the price of trying to do so?? Read the rest of this entry »

This is is a story about golden crowns, orbs, robes, scepters, swagger sticks and all such accoutrements meant to set one human being above others.
Such pompous, presumptuous behavior is an affront to the Heavenly Father, Who has presented His only Son as the one and only true sovereign over all life in the universe. He is the King of Kings.
He is Lord of All!!! Read the rest of this entry »

The Roman soldier understood the nature of Jesus’ authority. As the ruler of the universe, Jesus only needs to speak to sickness, nature, demons or even death and they must obey Him. What happens when God's authority meets our faith -- miracles! Read the rest of this entry »

This is part five of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In this lesson we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels. Read the rest of this entry »

Paul was worried. The Thessalonian mobsters were vicious brutes, and these babes in Christ weren’t as studious as the Berean believers.
He had only been there to teach them for three Sabbaths. Will they be able to handle the persecution? Will they be susceptible to the false teaching floating around? But the Lord assured Paul and he assured the Thessalonians...“The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thess. 3:3 (NIV) Read the rest of this entry »

This is part four of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In lesson five we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels.
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This PowerPoint is based on the well known sermon illustration about a boy and his boat. In the story, the boy becomes both the creator and redeemer of his beloved possession. In the end, he famously says, "Now you are twice mine, I made you and I bought you." Remind you of Jesus? Are we not twice His!? Read the rest of this entry »

This is part two of a five sermon series intended for Christian adults and ministers. It covers five dangers and pitfalls of grouping and side taking, including:
1) Worldly War Games
2) Emboldening Rebellion
3) Groupthink
4) Caustic Kings (Their Motive & Methods)
5) Dangerous Duplicity
In lesson five we bring it all together and discuss what it really means to be on the side of the angels.
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What a difference a single encounter with Jesus can have in the heart of a man. In this presentation, Zacchaeus meets Jesus and becomes so transformed he is a different man! Read the rest of this entry »

Living things grow and mature. When a believer is born-again, he starts his Christian experience as a baby feeding on milk. Then he grows into a toddler learning to walk, then an adult having babies himself, etc. To illustrate this, Jesus explained the four stages of wheat growth. Read the rest of this entry »

The 7 sayings of Christ on the cross teach us 5 important lessons on living the Christian life and fulfilling our calling. Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint sermon examines the changes that take place in the inner-most part of a believer when he/she becomes a new person in Christ. If we are becoming like Christ, what does that really look like? Read the rest of this entry »

Using Christ's messages to the seven churches & Paul's metaphor of running a race, this three-part series explains why a dying church is not one that is losing members, but rather, one that is losing zeal and focus on our God-given mission. Lesson three features a very inspiring song (written by a young girl) called "Voice of the Martyrs." Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon looks at three things that God's love is like:
1) Raging Flood Waters
2) A Sweet Perfume
3) A Slave Master
It includes an illustration about the romantic tradition of "Love Locks."
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The core truth of the gospel is that the Lord of Heaven and Earth abased Himself to save the object of His love—mankind. His Crown tells the story. He laid it aside only to be given a cruel crown of thorns in its stead. But, that is not the end of the story, is it!? Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson, we examine just 20 of the over 350 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus during His short time on Earth. The wonderful video at the end is 42 minutes long, and is good for playing in the background during an ‘altar time’ or ‘after service.’ Read the rest of this entry »

How shall we then live? This is an old question with a one-word answer: GRATEFUL!
In this lesson we learn how gratitude alone will deepen our relationship with The Savior, multiply our service and satiate our hearts. Read the rest of this entry »

From His beloved inner circle, to those who followed Him solely for His miracles, to those who hated Him, Jesus had various levels of relationship with men. This sermon challenges the believer to draw closer to Jesus. Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint contains eight separate lessons using a combination of Bible stories, film clips and discussion questions. It is designed to be used in a mixed setting of adults and children learning together.
From the beginning of Holy Week to beyond Easter, these lessons start with Palm Sunday and conclude with the Great Commission. Read the rest of this entry »

Like Martha, most people believe that religion works from the outside in—if we please God (they think), He will let you in. However, Mary’s heart drew her to a better way—open your heart to God and He will change you from the inside out. Read the rest of this entry »

In the story of the Good Samaritan, the lead character is unnamed—who is he? Is he merely an example of Christian love and hospitality—or much more?
This story is nothing short of the Gospel itself. In it, we see all the players – sinful man, sin itself, good deeds, the Savior, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the second coming of Christ. It’s all there! Read the rest of this entry »

These lessons explore the sheep nature of mankind, the Shepherd heart of Jesus, bad shepherds and the Door of the sheep. Read the rest of this entry »

Nine lepers were healed and duly religious (showing themselves to the priest), but one was thankful and Jesus took notice. Jesus looks at the heart!!! Read the rest of this entry »

When we remember the extent of God’s forgiveness toward us, we will be free to forgive others… seventy times seven times.. This lesson contains a quiz that shows us what is and what is not Godly forgivness. Read the rest of this entry »

Jesus knew that men were speculating about His identity. He asked His disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” Is He a prophet—a king—the Christ!!? They were not ready to hear the truth, but He was ready to tell it—I AM! Read the rest of this entry »

This two part message explains how seeing Jesus changes everything. It changes our circumstances and it changes us. With our hearts filled with love for our Savior, let us long for this one thing--to see Him! Read the rest of this entry »

This is the first of two special services we prepared for some visitors from Turkey. This lesson uses portions of the Jesus movie in both English and Turkish to explain the Gospel. The PowerPoint can be adapted to any two languages. Read the rest of this entry »

In Jesus' time, a Canaanite person was thought to be an idol worshipping heathen and long time enemy of Israel. Why would one of 'THEM' dare to speak to our Lord!? This is a story of humility, persistence and great faith!!! Read the rest of this entry »

Feeding the Bread of Life to a needy world is a daunting task. This story reminds us that Jesus needs only our willingness to serve, He will do the rest. The question and answer format of this lesson is designed to be thought provoking and conversation inducing. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we learn the names of the twelve disciples. We also learn that, as the Church, we have the same calling and commission as the twelve. Read the rest of this entry »

This is the story of how God used a kidnapped child who returned to the land of his enslavement to preach the gospel. It also shows how Patrick used a three leaf clover to explain the trinity. Read the rest of this entry »

The story of an elite Jewish citizen and a lowly one are here compared side by side. Though very different in social standing, these seekers of Christ’s favor were equals (in God’s eyes) in desperation and determined faith. Read the rest of this entry »

Can you think of a time when you were scared? How comforting it is to remember that Jesus is still in control. This presentation includes a great song called, “Sometimes He Calms the Storm, and other Times He Calms His Child!” Read the rest of this entry »

This is a simple question & answer approach to John 1:1-10. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson explains the Lord's parable about the man who found a treasure in the field. Oh, how great is the worth of a human soul to God? How cheerfully He sacrifices all that He has to buy the field (the World) which harbors His hidden treasure (the Church). Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson, Jesus compares material things with Heavenly rewards. Read the rest of this entry »

Follow the adventures of this charming “Gospel Seed” as he lands in every kind of earth. In this presentation, we learn about the hearts of men and the different ways they respond to the Gospel message. Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon explores several misconceptions about God and explains what it means to have a relationship with Him. We look at “relationship” as a position (in Christ); legal status (sons); and heart-felt feeling (friend). Read the rest of this entry »

This youthful presentation compares the triune nature of God to things we understand in nature like water and eggs. Read the rest of this entry »

“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, ‘Repent.” Mat. 4:17.
The OT prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus and His disciples considered 'repentance' to be their primary message.
Perhaps it is time to reacquaint ourselves with this essential truth. Read the rest of this entry »

Enjoy This Thanksgiving Video: "I Am the One" Read the rest of this entry »

This sermon tells the true story of the tragic, yet preventable loss of life that occurred in a New York City shirt factory. It reminds us all to take proper precautions with our souls. Have we planned our “fire escape?” Prepare for the inevitability—there will be no rehearsal!
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This two part message explains how seeing Jesus changes everything. It changes our circumstances and it changes us. With our hearts filled with love for our Savior, let us long for this one thing--to see Him! Read the rest of this entry »