This sermon asks two questions: Is it possible to control our own lives and what is the price of trying to do so?? Read the rest of this entry »

This PowerPoint sermon tells us why the world needs it's Christmas bells and who the Christmas bells really are. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson examines the duties of the priests of Israel. It seems they spent a great deal of time sprinkling things with blood, water, salt and oil. Even Jesus, as our High Priest, sprinkles us with the blood of the cross, the water of the Word, and the oil of His Spirit. May our ministries reflect His as we “sprinkle” God’s people. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s harvest time!! This lesson explains the Old Testament Harvest festivals, including their relationship to Jesus and His Church. We learn why the harvest is God’s main agenda and we are strengthened and encouraged to finish His work! Read the rest of this entry »

Our Redeemer started His saving work here on Earth (at the cross) and finished it when He entered Heaven with the redemption payment--His own blood. Standing in bronze sockets, under their silver caps, the tabernacle pillars typify this Heaven/Earth redemption connection. Read the rest of this entry »

This is part #2 of the lesson on the structure of the Tabernacle. The 48 boards are held by five bars joining them together as one. Likewise, the Body of Christ has many parts, yet is one body. Read the rest of this entry »

As our skin covers our bones, the coverings of the Tabernacle clothe the boards that give it structure. This is part #1 of this teaching about the Body of Christ -- a house, built on an unshakable solid foundation! Read the rest of this entry »

An Indian teacher visiting Germany wrote us to share & gather insight on the Tabernacle. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we cover the "Badger Skin" tent covering.
Like Christ in the flesh, this outermost covering was not attractive to the casual observer, yet it held untold riches within. Read the rest of this entry »

Representing the blood of Jesus, the ram’s skin dyed red was the one covering given without a measurement. Truly, there is ‘no measure’ to His abundant grace and forgiveness. In this lesson we learn the meaning of ‘redemption’ and tell the wonderful story about the little boy who lost his toy boat and bought it back again saying, “Now your twice mine, for I have made you and I have bought you.” Read the rest of this entry »

The second tabernacle covering we look at is a rough goat hair. This lesson covers the Sin Offering and the Scapegoat. The ugliness of our sins, and Christ’s willingness to bear them upon Himself will forever be at the heart of the Gospel story. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we begin to examine the four coverings over the tent structure and what each one tells us about our Savior Jesus. The first, and nearest to the Holy of Holies, is the embroidered four colored cloth. We look at the meaning of each of the four colors. Read the rest of this entry »

Did you know that when the Israelites made camp, their tents were set up in the form of a cross? Did you know that the tabernacle furniture was laid out in the shape of a cross? Then there is the pure white linen fence—what does it tell us about Christ’s future bride? Read the rest of this entry »

In part 2 of God’s wilderness school we learn more about His Food from Heaven, Water from within and guiding Spirit. Read the rest of this entry »

The wilderness experience is God’s school of higher education. The Israelites had the presence of God (in their midst) in several forms, including: the Tabernacle, the Pillar of Smoke and Fire, the Manna from Heaven, and the Rock that gave water. The graduates of this school learned the most important lesson -- to be dependent children. Read the rest of this entry »

This lesson compares the basic duties of His people in three dispensations: Adam in the Garden, the Priests in the Tabernacle and the Believer in the Kingdom of God. Each are told to “ABAD” God (meaning both serve and worship depending on the translation). To God, worship is service and service is worship. Read the rest of this entry »

In this lesson we learn about how much our God loves to move forward—He is a walker, not a monument builder. Tents are fabric and believers are flesh. We are not granite stone, we are not statues. God wants to walk with us, not stake us down. Walking and talking is how we deepen relationships. Read the rest of this entry »

Did you know that all God cares about is being with His people? The entire bible is the story of God trying to reconcile with fallen man so that He might be in fellowship with us. The Tabernacle of Moses was both a place of temporary fellowship and a reflection of full reconciliation yet to come through Jesus Christ. Read the rest of this entry »